End to End Platform for Data Analytics

Data Management, Collaboration, Analysis and Automation - Simplified!

Why DeepHouse? image
Current Data Analysis solutions require heavy time investment for pre-processing, data ingestion and basic analysis. Analysts have to stitch together a myriad of tools to create even simple workflows. The DeepHouse Platform is a simple, intuitive, powerful and extensible tool for data analysis projects. Using a simple and intuitive web interface, users will be able to easily ingest data from various sources, correlate and explore datasets and create complex workflows using a drag-and-drop interface and pre-created components.

Analysts will be more productive quickly and organizations will improve their ROI.

Self-Service Platform Adaptable for your Needs

From Simple Data Exploration to Complex Analytics. Use DeepHouse platform for end-to-end solutions in an organized and repeatable manner

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Schema Recognition and Mapping for Multiple Data Formats

Deephouse provides a simplified data ingestion for multiple formats and external Api, extendable to other readers easily as loosely coupled entities.

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Workflow Modeling

Construct Workflows using an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface where multiple functional node elements can form a complex task graph from machine learning to report generation.

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Multiple Data Storage Options

Choose between MongoDB, Elastic or PotsgresSql as your data storage engine. Exploration of data using Custom Query Language making it simple no matter the underlying storage

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Building Verticals using DeepHouse Self-Service Platform

Building Verticals using DeepHouse Self-Service Platform

Easy to use Self-Service Platform that caters to myriad of uses-cases in a formalized manner.

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Use case1 : Combining Data

Use case1 : Combining Data

Use deephouse to combine multiple datasets to create a more meaningful larger dataset. This could be an intermediate step for most analytics requirements and could become a standard module that can be re-used

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Use Case 2: Machine Learning algorithm Testing and Tweaking

Machine learning algorithms in python will be made simpler and production ready with workflow visualization.

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TeleHealth UseCase: Remote ECG dataset monitoring

TeleHealth UseCase: Remote ECG dataset monitoring

Remote monitoring of ECG dataset is a common usecase for teleheath. Deephouse.io can take you to PoC and production with a simple streamlined approach

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Research Paper

Large amount of research has been conducted in the area of network trace anonymization. Techniques range from simple Blackmarking and Truncation to Prefix Preserving to more recent Differential Privacy. iNano Systems, Inc. is almost near the launch of an analytics platform - Deephouse.io. We plan on building Network Data Anonymization capability into Deephouse.io.

TeleHealth UseCase: ECG monitoring

deephouse deck

deephouse usecase - deepHealth

Executive summary

  •  11/16/2022 11:20 AM

ML Uses and Data E

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  •  12/11/2019 09:37 AM

DataOps as a solution - why is it necessary for any industry

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  •  11/22/2019 12:02 AM

A short summary of features in Deephouse and how the milestone 1 is nearing progress

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  • Leesburg, Virginia, United States