TeleHealth UseCase: Remote ECG dataset monitoring

Problem Statement

  • Quick turnaround End-to-End of analytics based on ECG sensor data from ingestion to dashboard and alerts based on abnormal waveforms

  • Simplify ability to design algorithms for analysis and deploy to production including machine learning capabilities – serve as a backend service

  • Serve analysis to dashboards and mobile devices


  • Rapid deployment of ECG waveform data reader

  • Ingest the data when available through cloud storage such as S3 bucket

  • Automate the data ingestion using sample data

  • Provide capability to create workflows that provides statistics about the beats, use training data to create models for arrythmia detection and detect for new incoming data files. Automate the whole flow end-to-end

  • Provide REST API to access the analysis data to plot in dashboard or on client webpages