Building Verticals using DeepHouse Self-Service Platform

Building Verticals using DeepHouse Self-Service Platform

Easy to use Self-Service Platform that caters to myriad of uses-cases in a formalized manner.

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Use case1 : Combining Data

Use case1 : Combining Data

Use deephouse to combine multiple datasets to create a more meaningful larger dataset. This could be an intermediate step for most analytics requirements and could become a standard module that can be re-used

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Use Case 2: Machine Learning algorithm Testing and Tweaking

Machine learning algorithms in python will be made simpler and production ready with workflow visualization.

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TeleHealth UseCase: Remote ECG dataset monitoring

TeleHealth UseCase: Remote ECG dataset monitoring

Remote monitoring of ECG dataset is a common usecase for teleheath. can take you to PoC and production with a simple streamlined approach

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